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Live Webcam

 Streaming Video Feed


Still Webcam image

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Still Webcam image is updated to web server every 2 minutes

Camera is normally running 24 hours a day and may occasionally be down due to server maintenance

Camera Specifications Logitech Zoom Camera Max Res 640 X 480

my shopping receipt

Top 15 Shopping List Items

  1. Semi Skimmed Milk
  2. Freshly Baked Bread
  3. I Can't Believe It's Not
  4. Free Range Eggs
  5. German Salami
  6. Chicken Breasts
  7. Activia Yogurts
  8. Cornflakes / Shreddies
  9. Banana / Strawberry Nesquik
  10. Battered Fish
  11. Smokey Bacon
  12. Satsuma's / Banana's
  13. Spaghetti / Rice
  14. Edam / Cheddar
  15. Angel Delight

supermarkets  I shop at

Top 4 Places That I Shop at

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